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5 Signs You Need to Start Taking Care of Your Joints

August 7, 2024
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There’s a strange stigma around joint health. When you’re young, you take it for granted that your knees… don’t hurt. Then, as you get older, things start to ache. And somehow, dealing with that ache feels like an admission that time marches ever onward and old age comes for us all.

We need to snap out of it! It’s better to take preemptive measures than wait until your joints are absolutely falling apart. But whichever stage you’re at – proactive, reactive, denial… – HealthyCell’s Joint Health & Mobility gels are here for you!

Still don’t believe you need help? It might be time for some tough love. If you’ve experienced any of the below things (aka, you’re older than 30), it’s time to start looking after your joints.

Credit: The New York Times

You Know How to Use A Real Map

Before Google Maps or Apple Maps or MapQuest there were just… maps. And if you wanted to get anywhere you needed to know how to read them. Even if you’re the type to keep a spare map in the glove box “in case of emergency” the reality is that maps are old news. Kind of like how pills are going to be a thing of the past for you once you try Joint Health & Mobility Microgels.


You Were Part of the Cabbage Patch Craze

Dear everyone, what happened here? Whether your parents were getting in fights at the mall trying to snag you one of these dolls for Christmas, or you were busy bustin’ out the Cabbage Patch on the dance floor, if you remember any of this madness, you’re due for a little Joint Health & Mobility. Unfortunately, cabbage is not one of the active ingredients.

Credit: Vogue

You Wore JNCO Jeans At Any Point

It’s official: these wildly-oversized jeans are making a comeback. And if you had a pair back in the 90’s, there’s a 90% certainty that your knees need some love. Put your old pair of JNCOs on Ebay and use the proceeds to treat yourself to a month’s worth of Joint Health & Mobility. We promise it’s a worthwhile trade off.

Credit: Refinery29

You Watched Friends While It Was Airing

Sorry, not sorry, but Friends first aired in ‘94. So even if you’re “only” as old as Friends, you’re officially entering joint support territory. And if you’re old enough to remember wondering how they all afforded those NYC apartments… you’re definitely ready for Joint Health & Mobility

Credit: Le Monde

Roller Disco

This one’s more for the Gen X and Boomers among us. Due to the cyclical nature of trends, this pastime is back in a big way. But if you’re hoping to lace up your skates and show the youth how it really used to be done, you better have some Joint Health & Mobility ready. Because there’s nothing worse than getting embarrassed on roller skates. 

Credit: HealthyCell

Do Your Joints a Favor

Here’s the reality: we’re all getting older all the time. And with age comes some inevitable wear and tear on our joints. But you don’t have to suffer! Start taking care of your joints with HealthyCell’s Joint Health & Mobility Microgels.

With 3 targeted joint health blends that support connective tissue, joint lubrication, and reduce joint irritation, Joint Health & Mobility helps you stay out ahead of the curve when it comes to supporting your joints. And their MicroGel™ formulation means that the 3,270 MG of nutrients in each pack are absorbed 165% better by your body than they would be if you were taking pills.

So don’t wait until you feel your age! Keep your joints young and healthy with HealthyCell – and take 10% off your first order of Joint Health & Mobility with code PRIMARYGOODS10.

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