Editor's note: Limited time offer! Get 50% off your first order of Ollie, no code required!
My ex told me I’m a narcissist, but that can’t be true because I love my dog more than I love myself. Every day, I treat her like the absolute queen that she is. Below are 8 creative ways that I make Maggie feel like the most special girl in the world. Give them a try, your pup will thank you!
There’s no better way to express love than by letting your dog choose the movie. And as a chihuahua mix, Maggie goes for Beverly Hills Chihuahua every time. We cuddle up with a cozy blanket, popcorn for me and Ollie Beef & Sweet Potato Jerky Treats for her, and throw on a DVD like it’s 2009. The perfect night.
I call this one “livin like Luda.” It’s hard to get a hold of, but nothing makes your dog feel more pampered than getting to lap up some rare, ancient water. If you can’t swing glacier meltwater, Evian makes a nice alternative.
Crufts is the best dog show in the UK, and once a year, we bring the festivities straight to our living room. I invite over several of Maggie’s closest human pals and we judge her as she goes through a grueling gauntlet of obedience, agility, and heelwork. Read: Maggie plays in the middle of the room while we all praise her and give her treats. Every dog’s dream?
I have yet to find a dog massage parlor in my city, so I operate a single client business out of my… couch. I throw on some nice relaxing music – Maggie’s partial to Sufjan Stevens – light some incense, and pull out my favorite dog-safe jojoba oil. She gets a full body rubdown, with extra attention paid to her achy old lady joints. If you’re trying this at home, don’t attempt deep tissue, and instead use more gentle pressure to massage. You’ll know your dog is loving it if they fall asleep or start to drool :)
Maggie exclusively eats Ollie fresh food. Lately she’s been on a Turkey with Blueberries kick, but she loves the Lamb too. I typically just go the easy route of defrost + plop in a bowl, but Maggie loves playing with her food. So as a special treat, I put her dinner in the bowl, but then I cover the bowl with a yoga mat so she has to figure out how to get to it. She goes absolutely nutso for this, mostly because of how obsessed she is with Ollie. They’re doing a deal right now where you can actually get your first box for 50% off, so give them a try if you want your dog to feel just as special as Maggie!
Okay so most professional theaters don’t allow dogs, but you know where they usually fit right in? The chaos of a clown show. I’ve been bringing Maggie to clown shows at a local theater for months now, and not only does she love the attention during the show when the performers interact with her, but she adores the post-show pets she gets from all the clowns and fellow audience members.
The absolute sensory overload of the park is heaven to a pup. Add in their fave food, and it’s automatically the best day of their lives. I bring along a little baguette and cheese for moi and a helping of Ollie for Maggie, and we just enjoy the cool breeze on our faces and the crisp grass on our toes as we nibble our snacks. And then she gets the zoomies and I get to snap some completely insane photos of her. It’s a win, win, win.
To be real, Maggie probably doesn’t understand English. But she does understand me looking directly into her eyes and speaking dramatically, so she loved it when I read her the following poem:
Go for a walk and go outside?
My dear, in you I must confide
The garbage bag, that scares you so
Because it wavers to and fro
It cannot hope to hurt you, Maggie
For it is only just a baggie
Quiver not, for life is fine
And someday further down the line
You’ll finally learn how to relax
And fall asleep upon your back
Go for a walk and go outside?
I’m sorry dear, this time I lied
For a little drive is what we’ll do
So wait for me to wear my shoe
And soon the park is where we’ll be
The special place where we feel free.
We’ll frolic, and you’ll eat your Ollie
And play around with all the collies
And, happy with your tasty treat,
You’ll lay, and rest your weary feet.
So see! My ex is WRONG! I’m a good, caring person and my dog agrees with me. In no small part due to the fact that I feed her the best food that she’s obsessed with – Ollie fresh food. Try Ollie today and get 50% off your first order!