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After a Big Night Out (or Literally 2 Glasses of Wine), This Patch Is a Life-Saver.

August 13, 2024
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Editor’s Note: When you need to bounce back fast, these Rescue patches are unbeatable. Grab their 16-pack and get 20% off, with code PRIMARY20.

My friends, I can’t drink like I used to.

In my 20s, I was a total party monster – wild, free, and unencumbered by hangovers. I carried that energy into my early 30s… but was quickly humbled. My body suddenly had limitations, and slinging back four mezcal margaritas at Taco Tuesday made for a pretty Nasty Wednesday. These days, even a couple glasses of natural wine – consumed early, supplemented with water! – can ruin my week.

So when I heard this "Rescue" patch could help me recover after a big night, I had to try it. I wore a patch inside my wrist before going out – and woke up feeling refreshed, clear-headed, and nausea-free. It’s crazy how effective these things are! Now, they’re my go-to, and I can’t recommend them enough.

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  • Easy to use – just peel, stick, and wear on any dry, venous part of the skin
  • Convenient! Throw one in your bag for later; they’re also great for travel
  • Contains all natural, plant-based ingredients: Green Tea, DHM, Vitamin B1, and Black Pepper Extract
  • Fast-acting! Starts working in about 20 minutes on average
  • Third-party tested for quality and safety
  • Dermatologically-tested, gluten-free, vegan, paraben-free, cruelty-free, and latex-free
  • 6,000 5-star reviews
  • Many purchasing options – all super reasonably-priced. If you get their 16-pack, you can save 20% with code PRIMARY20


  • Although the patch is technically water-resistant, it can lose some stickiness in humidity
  • If you’re allergic to any of the ingredients, this may cause a reaction

Patch Test (More Like “Bach” Test!)

The Rescue patch seemed like the perfect thing to have at my bachelorette party in Austin, Texas. But first, I needed to do a test run, in a much lower-stakes situation: weeknight drinks with my coworkers. If the patch failed me after a casual two-or-three cocktails kind of shindig, there was no way it was making it to Austin. 

Tuesday evening came along, and I got ready to make slightly strained small-talk and gossip about the boss. I applied my patch to the inside of my wrist (you can apply it anywhere you have veins) and headed out. I ended up having two martinis – basically the equivalent of four stiff drinks – and getting pretty lit. Sometimes coworker hangs are fun! I woke up the next morning, and I felt… great. Seriously. No headache, no nausea. I peeled off my patch, impressed. These babies were ready for the big leagues. 

Cut to: Austin, where I put the Rescue patches through the gauntlet. Drinking games, dancing, and total buffoonery every night for 3 nights. And every morning, I woke up feeling extremely decent! A bit tired, of course, but I DIDN’T feel like I’d been slamming Buttery Nipple shots and screaming my face off at karaoke. A true feat of science and nature!

Credit: Good Patch

Why It Works

There are very few ingredients in this patch, but they all pack a punch: 

  • DHM – the superhero! If you’re not familiar, it’s a naturally-derived plant extract often used in Korean hangover remedies
  • Vitamin B1, also known as Thiamine – which can help the liver break down alcohol more efficiently
  • Green Tea – antioxidant and anti-inflammatory; contains L-theanine which can promote a sense of calm and wellbeing
  • Black Pepper Extract – helps detoxify and reduce inflammation

I love the fact that the ingredients release slowly and continuously, so you’re literally soaking up the benefits while you’re out and about – or while you sleep, depending on how you use them.  These patches are good for 8-12 hours! Getting a steady stream of relief is SO much better – and in my experience, more effective – than chugging a bunch of electrolytes and Advil when you already feel like death, praying that they’ll reverse the damage. 

With Rescue, you can preempt that garbage feeling before it even starts. But if you decide to apply it when you’re already hungover, it still works, taking effect in about 20 minutes!

Will I *Stick* With It? 

Short answer, yes!

After a thorough vetting process, these patches have earned their place in my routine. I opted to subscribe (but you can try them out as a single purchase here) – not because I want to get wasted on the regular, but because this way I can spontaneously decide to drink and not suffer the next day. I’m a social gal, and even though I’ve slowed down a lot the last few years, it’s nice to be able to unwind with a friend over a glass of rosé – or two. We all deserve that! 

These patches are incredibly seamless to incorporate into my life. They’re easy to apply, I forget I’m wearing them, and the effects speak for themselves. I’ve traveled with them, I’ve gifted them to fellow former party monsters, and I keep one in my bedside table at all times.

Do yourself a favor and grab some Rescue – and you can save 20%, with code PRIMARY20 at checkout!

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