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Arber vs. Miracle Gro: Which Plant Food Really Helps Your Garden Thrive?

February 27, 2025
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Editor’s note: Get 10% OFF your first order with Arber if you use code PRIMARYGOODS10

When it comes to my plants, I don’t mess around. While I’m not quite at the greenhouse level yet, I take great pride in my leafy greens – especially the ones I’ve rescued and rehabilitated from the hardware store (if you know, you know). 

One of the hardest things to figure out, though, is plant food. Different ratios, different delivery methods, different costs, different stories and reviews. How do you pick the best one?

Today, I’m putting Arber Organic Plant Food and Miracle Gro Indoor Plant Food head to head. These cult favorites are top-rated, and I’m deciding once and for all who reigns supreme!

Credit: Miracle Gro

Miracle Gro: Old-School

I like to call Miracle Gro’s Indoor Plant Food “old reliable”. Easy to find at the store, cheap prices at face value, and a household name. But none of that matters unless the stuff actually works!

This specific type comes as a clear liquid that feeds instantly, formulated specially for indoor plants with an uber-gentle 1-1-1 ratio. You have the option of either pumping directly into the soil, or mixing into water, and advertised results were root growth and lush foliage. 

When it arrived, I realized that this was actually a very small amount of plant food. The manufacturer’s directions say one pump for a small pot, two pumps for larger pots over 6” in diameter, or 4 pumps to a quart of water. I was excited at the prospect of direct application, until I realized that my swath of indoor plants would need a LOT of pumps. Add in weekly reapplication, and I’ll be needing to repurchase at least twice a month – I highly recommend mixing with water to stretch the amount.

After a couple of weeks, I noticed some new blooms and the rejuvenation of some wilting African violets. Two months went by, and I found that although my plants stayed healthy and green, I wasn’t blown away by the results. Plus, my outdoor plants didn’t get any love!

Overall, this instant liquid plant food from Miracle Gro is a decent choice but does not produce significant changes.

Credit: Arber

Arber: A Modern Take

When I first heard about Arber, I was pretty impressed with them on paper. Organic, sustainable, and beautiful, this brand is fresh and eco-conscious – safe for your plants and your family alike.

Their Plant Food is made from recycled grocery waste and promises greener, thicker leaves, more blooms, and deeper roots. For $25, you get 1 pound of concentrate with a 3-2-1 ratio that you can easily use outdoors AND indoors.

With Arber’s formula, you can pour the plant food into your watering pot – 4 oz. to a gallon of water, which is usually enough to satisfy the needs of my indoor garden and then some. It’s naturally scented with rosemary oil, so it has a subtle aroma instead of a foul, fishy odor like other plant foods..

About a week after application, I noticed that my plants really perked up. I don’t know how to describe it, other than they look happy now! Despite my coaxing, my orchid has always resisted growing more than one flower. Post-Arber, she’s a three-bloom girlie, and I couldn’t be more proud.

Plus, my outdoor plants love it too. My tomatoes especially seem to be thriving, producing enough for me to eat an all-tomato diet. 

Overall, Arber’s Plant Food is an effective, environmentally-friendly way to give your plants some more love and nutrients.

The (Gardening) Plot Thickens

Honestly, I conducted this experiment as much for me as for you. Armed with Arber Plant Food, I know all my plants are at their peak without sacrificing the environment – and the extra flowers don’t hurt, either! Get your own bottle of concentrate for just $25 today.

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