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Here's What Happened When I Tried The Better Facial™

May 4, 2024
At Primary Goods, we have an independent selection process & only review what we fully endorse. If you buy a product via our links, we may earn a commission.

I just got home from my facial with Hi, skin and I have to shout it from the rooftops: I’ve literally never looked this good!

I’m a little bit obsessed with my skin, but before I went to Hi, skin, my experience with facials was zero. I know, I know. At age 30, shouldn’t I know a little better by now? But my cousin told me that I absolutely had to try The Better Facial™:  Hi, skin’s all-inclusive 60-minute treatment. I was intrigued. I had a few questions before I was completely sold, though. Because I’ve heard some facial horror stories — namely, the up-charging that a lot of studios tend to tack on for every little treatment that they suggest to you. 

But I was assured that Hi, skin was different. I’d pay the cost of the facial, which for the first time offer was only $119, and get everything for that single cost — no up-charging or sneaky fees. My cousin also has the most incredible skin I’ve ever seen (she’s kind of high-maintenance but I love her for it) so I figured she must know something about taking care of it.

She told me that The Better Facial™ would leave me looking like a glazed donut, which is something I never knew I wanted, but immediately desired more than anything in my entire life. 


I got the best skin of my life at Hi, skin, and they have a first time offer of just $119 for your first facial. That’s over $20 off, which is a pretty sweet deal for what you get. You can book your first session at any of their Scottsdale, Gilbert, or Phoenix locations right here!

The Studio 

I got my facial at the stunning Scottsdale studio, but I’ve also seen some pictures of the insides of the Phoenix and Gilbert locations, and let me tell you, they are all completely unique and completely gorgeous. I mean, just feast your eyes on these interiors:

Everything looked so intentional – they didn’t simply have their products on normal shelves, they had them on beautiful built-ins with that bright and cheery Hi, skin orange color. I honestly felt like I was walking into another dimension. A totally Instagrammable, orange and blue oasis that promised to bring me to skincare nirvana. I was transported. And then I was told that it was time to go and get my facial done, so I shook myself loose of my aesthetic-driven trance and went to the treatment area with my esthetician, Mileya. 

Even though this is my inaugural facial, I had this idea that they would take me to a quiet back room, with soothing music and no one around for the eye to see. At Hi, skin, this was very much not the case. The Scottsdale studio had an open floor plan, so I felt a nice sense of community with the other patrons there. Look at us, all taking care of our skin! It was time to get me in the chair and begin the session. Was I ready? I was about to find out. Enter…The Better Facial™

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  • First treatment is only $119
  • Every facial is all-inclusive – no up-charging on the necessities 
  • The treatments are customized to your skin 
  • All products in-store and online are esthetician recommended
  • Esthetician advises on how to take care of your skin between appointments 
  • With membership, you can get The Better Facial™ each month, discounted boosters and products


  • Only 3 locations
  • You can’t get all 15 modalities in a single 50-minute sessions
  • It’s not a typical facial spa experience with the open concept
  • There may be purging period like with most new skin treatments according to my facialist, but I didn’t experience any myself

The Process

I was kind of scared to get my first facial! Little did I know the kind of pampering I was in for. 

The first thing that Mileya did when I got situated was ask me what my skincare concerns were, and if I had any sensitivities she should know about. Now, I had already filled out a pretty extensive questionnaire prior to my appointment, so I’m sure she already had a good picture of what my skin needed. But I let her know that I struggled a lot with dryness and redness. She chatted with me warmly as she got to work.

That’s one thing that I really appreciated about my entire treatment – I felt like my esthetician wasn’t just taking care of my skin, she was taking care of my soul with a little dash of friendship. Nice to get that somewhere other than the hair salon. She also wanted to know what kinds of products I use on my face currently, and let me tell you, when I said that I used Cetaphil as a facial cleanser, she just about lost it. “No no no,” she told me, “you can’t be using that. That does nothing for your face.” 

What did she do to my face? Honestly, it was kind of a beautiful blur, but I’ll try to spell out the process as best as I can. She explained every single step as she went along, so I felt completely informed about what was happening to my face every step of the way. 

The Better Facial, customized to my skin: 

  • First (and second) step was a soothing double cleanse. She really made sure my skin was CLEAN! I will say that I wish I had gone without mascara, because she didn’t clean away my eye makeup, but she was also careful not to disturb it. 
  • Step Three: My favorite (well, one of my favorites) – THE DERMAPLANE! In this step, they take a literal scalpel and shave away the dead skin and vellus hair (read: peach fuzz). I loved the feeling of the delicate scalpel across my skin. According to Mileya, this prepped my skin to be able to more easily absorb all the good stuff they were about to put on my face. The best part? Mileya showed me the detritus they scraped off of me on a little napkin once they were done. It was a little bit nasty but also? Very satisfying and pretty cool. 
  • Step Four: Enzyme. The product smelled so good when she put it on my face, and she told me I might feel it a little bit. Let me tell you, I could feel the tingle!
  • Step Five: Extractions. I’m obnoxious and don’t have a ton of pimples or blackheads or anything like that, but she still managed to find a few things to extract.
    I was kind of scared for this part because I thought it was going to hurt, but it was totally fine. It wasn’t like I couldn’t tell anything was happening, because I definitely could, but it wasn’t painful at all. And it didn’t make me bleed. I’m a nervous person, okay?
  • Step Six: This was my other favorite part. face FORM! This was like a superpowered massage for my face. I have never in my life had my facial muscles manipulated in that way. It felt invigorating yet relaxing at the same time. I would take a whole 50-minute session of just face FORM. It’s that good. 
  • Step Seven: PureLift. They use an EMS, or Electrical Muscle Stimulation device that tones and strengthens the facial muscles, which can help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles and make your face appear fuller and more youthful. Which I’m definitely all about. I loved this modality because I could actually feel my muscles moving as they glided the device around my face. It was tingly and delightful.
  • Step Eight: LED Light Therapy. I felt like I was in a sci-fi movie when they did this treatment. I was told that it would help with fine lines and redness, so you know what, sign me up for this futuristic modality. 
  • Step Nine: They finished me off with a targeted serum, moisturizer, eye cream, lip balm, and SPF!

It was a full 50-minutes of nonstop action. I truly felt like she didn’t waste a moment, and with Mileya walking me through the process the entire time, I was able to completely trust everything that she was doing to me.

More Than Skin Deep: A Dive Into My Favorite Treatments


Don’t be afraid of the tiny scalpel! With dermaplaning, the esthetician gently scrapes away the top layers of your skin, which includes the vellus hair and a superficial layer of dead skin called the stratum corneum. Removing that dead skin means that your non-dead skin can soak up your skincare more effectively and makes foundation go on more smoothly.

It also gives your newly unburdened skin a lit-from-within glow. The procedure can help minimize the appearance of acne scars, fine lines, wrinkles, and dull skin. Most facial studios don’t even offer dermaplaning as part of their services. But at Hi, skin, you can get it added to your service for just $65.

face FORM

Think of this as a results-driven massage. face FORM lifts, tightens, sculpts, and relieves facial tension by employing specific, targeted hand movements all over the face. It has so many benefits (aside from just feeling incredible, which it does) — promoting lymphatic drainage, increasing blood circulation, and releasing toxins from the skin.

Which in turn, makes the skin appear brighter, reduces puffiness (read: gives you that snatched look) and even helps with breakouts. And you get all of that from just five minutes of the most luxurious facial treatment you’ve ever had in your life. 

Look at that G-L-O-W! And I’m clearly so relaxed and happy compared to how I was when I went in. My skin felt super smooth from my treatment (especially from the dermaplane!) and I embodied the aforementioned glazed donut. My esthetician recommended that I come in for monthly facials because skin cells turn over every 28 days, and at this point, I’ll do anything she says. So of course I made an appointment for next month. 

Checking Out

There was also the question of membership. I’m like anyone else, I love saving money. And when I was told that becoming a member with Hi, skin meant that I’d be getting my monthly facials for $30 off, I was definitely interested. It also nets me $20 off of all treatment boosters (which I’m dying to try) and 10% off of all product purchases. 

Ultimately, I ended up going for it. It’s $110 every month, about what I pay for my gym membership. But with the intense face FORM sessions, Hi, skin is basically like a gym for my face anyway. I’m here for it. From the friendly service, to the beautiful interior, to my brand new shimmering skin, I know that visiting Hi, skin regularly is going to be a key piece to my self care routine. I feel it in my bones!

After my session, Mileya also provided me with some product recommendations. When I first walked in, I was impressed and a little intimidated by the wide array of skincare products they had on offer, so I was glad to have the process of picking my new routine demystified by my esthetician. 

I decided to buy the Mangosteen Daily Resurfacing Cleanser after her (much deserved) razzing of my choice to cleanse my face with the inferior Cetaphil. I also went for the Holifrog Grand Amino Cushion Cream and the Éminence Organics Bright Skin Licorice Root Booster Serum. 

I’m obsessed with the way it smells, and equally obsessed with the way it makes my dead skin pill up and fall away when I rub it against my face. Kind of gross, extremely satisfying. 

I had a couple of dull spots on my skin, so I went home with a serum that promises to even out my complexion. I’ve noticed my skin looking brighter and much smoother since starting to use it, so that must mean that the plant-derived active ingredients and vitamin blend are working their magic. 

This cream has done absolute wonders for the hydration of my skin. My face feels super bouncy to the touch after moisturizing and I know that it’s improving my skin health with every application because of the blend of peptides, ceramides, vitamins, antioxidants, and 11 amino acids. Thanks for the recommendation, Mileya!

One more cool thing about Hi, skin is that they sell a huge range of products in store, but you can also shop online. They have so many incredible options, and I feel like I can trust any one of them because they’ve been vetted and recommended by expert estheticians. It’s also great because I can re-up my skincare routine at any time, not just when I go in for my monthly facials.

I’m Not The Only One

If I haven’t convinced you yet, check out some of these reviews I read before my appointment that got me even more excited:

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Top 6 Reasons To Get The Better Facial™ At Hi, skin Every Month

  1. It’s totally customized to your face. It's not just a paint-by-numbers facial that everyone gets. Hi, skin estheticians assess your facial skin and change up the modalities based on what your face needs. They have over 15 different treatment methods that they use, and within that, different products that they use for each treatment method. The potential combinations are endless!
  1. Skin cells turn over every 28 days. That means that at 28 days, you’ve got a face full of dead skin and beautiful new skin underneath, dying to be let out into the world! The Better Facial™ is ideal for helping to promote cell turnover and set your skin up for success in the month ahead. 
  1. It doesn’t feel stuffy like a spa. The open concept is bright and airy, and the energy inside is absolutely electric. The interior is basically made for taking selfies, so not only are you doing some good self-care, but you’re also upping your social media game. 
  1. You get to catch up with your esty. I get coffee with my best friends at least once a month, why shouldn’t I see my favorite skincare specialist just as frequently? Plus, every time you go in, your esthetician gives updated recommendations for your skin and how you can take care of it at home. I know I personally could use monthly reminders on how to best take care of my skin, so this seems like a huge bonus. 
  1. There’s no downtime. When it’s time for your appointment, there’s no waiting around – Hi, skin gets you in to see your esthetician so you can take advantage of the full 50-minute appointment. 
  1. It's all inclusive. You get so many amazing treatments without any up-charging. This is pretty rare, especially at these kinds of facial studios. Typically getting treatments like dermaplaning, gua sha (another modality they offer), or LED Light Therapy can cost extra on top of the cost of your basic facial, but with Hi, skin, it’s all included. There are a couple of glow-boosting enhancements you can opt for, like Infusion Therapy and CryoTouch, but the facial feels complete without. 

Is It Worth It?

Are Hi, skin’s all-inclusive 50-minute facials worth the cost? If you can’t tell already by this (literally) glowing review, yes, I think it’s worth it.

For only $119, you can give them a try in Scottsdale, Gilbert, or Phoenix. The usual price of $110 for members (included with the cost of a monthly membership) and $140 for non-members is actually less than what you’d pay at other facial studios with similar pricing structures.

Considering the fact that you’re getting highly professional, visibly effective treatments, and that the facial includes everything you need to take care of your face, Hi, skin is your best bet for monthly facials. At Hi, skin, the staff is super friendly and extremely knowledgeable, and you’ll come out of your treatment loving your skin more than you ever have before.

So be like me and take my cousin’s advice: book The Better Facial™ with Hi, skin today for just $119.

You can also give them a call to book –

  • Hi, skin Scottsdale:
    (480) 702-0088
    6208 N Scottsdale Rd #104-105, Scottsdale, AZ 85253
  • Hi, skin Phoenix:
    (602) 274-1004
    100 E Camelback Rd Suite 132, Phoenix, AZ 85012
  • Hi, skin Gilbert:
    (602) 836-4519
    2050 E Williams Field Rd #102, Gilbert, AZ 85295
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