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How to Break Your Personal Sex Record

June 5, 2024
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Editor’s note: for a limited time only, you can get your first order of Hello Cake ED Meds for 20% off with code: PRIMARY20.

Dear reader, I just got laid.

Hold your applause, because it gets better: my wife and I just had sex 5 times in 36 hours. Our previous record was twice in one day – this is a new personal best, by a lot! Did I mention I’m almost 50 years old?

I’ve never been a “sex god.” With a naturally long refractory period, I’ve always been content as a one-round kinda guy. That is, until I started taking Hello Cake ED meds. These babies start working in as little as 15 minutes and last for up to 36 hours, which has led to a lot more experimentation in the bedroom for my wife and me. And we decided to go for the gold.

Like training for a marathon, setting a sex record takes preparation and lots of practice. If you’re ready to start having more frequent sex, I’m here to share some helpful pointers…

Chafing sucks.

Use lots of lube. Buy lots of lube. Nothing’s worse than having to put pants back on and run to the store for more lube.

Soreness happens.

Soreness is unfortunately inevitable for both parties. One thing that helps (in addition to using plenty of lube!) is making sure you’re not just pounding your brains out every single time. Keeping it slow and sensual can help the two of you stay in it for the long run.

Ditch the kids.

We sent ours to their first ever sleepaway camp for a week. Not just so we could try to do this. But because it’s good for building character. Or something…

Find the right pace.

I’m not just talking about the motion of the ocean (though that is important here), you’ve got to allot time for sleeping, eating, and all the rest – it’s a marathon, not a sprint. And also be aware of going too fast out the gate: hitting 3 rounds in the first 8 hours might feel like a great pace, but you run the risk of burning out.

Take the right meds.

For me, Hello Cake ED meds were the secret I’d been waiting for my whole life. They combine the active ingredients in Viagra and Cialis into a single med that starts working in as little as 15 minutes (for when you can’t wait to get started) and lasts for up to 36 hours (to help really bring you home ‘round the last stretch), and helps you bounce back quicker between rounds (so you don’t get stuck waiting to “boot back up”).

I’ve Never Been This Sore (Or This Proud)

There’s one other lesson I learned while setting this record: my wife is the sexiest person on the planet. And frankly, I’d been letting my ED get in the way of showing her how I felt. Being able to have sex this much wasn’t just an amazing physical experience (it was), it was also a chance for us to connect physically in a way we never had before. We met in our mid-30s, which meant I never got to bring that “insatiable 22 year old” energy to our relationship. That is, until I started on Hello Cake ED meds

We may not have the time, energy, or freedom from our kids to beat our sex record for a while – but we can easily make round 1 (and probably round 2) a regular thing again. We finally have the healthy, active sex life we both wanted. If you’re ready to start having more sex – and maybe even break some records – try Hello Cake’s ED meds, and save 20% on your first order with code: PRIMARY20.

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