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If Vitamins Make You Gag, Here’s A Gel That Goes Down Smooth

August 10, 2024
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Editor’s note: Ready to start getting more out of your supplements? Save 10% on your first Healthycell order with code: PRIMARYGOODS10

Vomit alert: swallowing my multivitamins every morning makes me gag more than trying to brush my tongue. Even if I try to take my dailies with a glass of water, those massive, chunky pills catch in my throat and cause that unpleasant reaction known as “almost puking.” Half the time I end up just… not taking my vitamins. And that can’t be good for me. 

I would have tried gummies, but I couldn’t find an option that had all the nutrients I wanted in a multi. Plus there’s something that feels kind of weird about essentially eating candy with my breakfast? I felt doomed to forever trigger my gag reflex in the name of health… until I found the gel vitamin of my dreams: HealthyCell’s Bioactive Multi.

Gels For The Win

Unlike my old daily multis, which I had to take in the form of 2 huge, oblong pills, the HealthyCell Bioactive Multi MicroGel™ is simply that – a single once-a-day gel that covers all the classic multivitamin bases. It goes down without a problem, which leads to me sticking to a daily routine of taking my vitamins. Healthier for me in every way!

The gel has a fruity mixed berry flavor that is tasty and not too sweet. Plus, the texture is perfectly palatable – important to me, as I also tend to get a little triggered by yucky textures. Swallowing a HealthyCell Bioactive Multi gel is as easy as swallowing a bite of my favorite food. (It’s pizza. I’m basic.) Actually, it’s easier – because it’s a gel!

Credit: HealthyCell

They’re Actually Better For You

These gels do way more than a standard, run-of-the-mill pill. They’re designed to support your immune system, heart health, brain power, bone strength, and glowing skin. And unlike a drugstore multivitamin, Bioactive Multi gels have an antioxidant blend that helps to support cellular health. You can read the full ingredients list here, and I think you’ll find that it exceeds the standards set by other multivitamins on the market. 

Another perk? They’re way more absorbable. The patented MicroGel™ technology helps nutrients absorb into your bloodstream 165% better than pills! Meaning that everytime I take my daily HealthyCell gel, I’m doing more for my overall health than I ever did with my old horse pills.

Change Up Your Routine

If you’re in the “gag reflex gang” (a new cool club I just made up), or if you’re looking for a better way to take your daily vitamins, try HealthyCell’s Bioactive Multi, and save 10% on your first order with code PRIMARY10!

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