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Make 2024 Your Dog’s Best Year Ever – With A Healthier Diet

February 2, 2024
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Editor's Note: For the next week, you can get 60% off your first box + a free bag of their jerky treats!

It’s 2024, and everyone has Big Plans.

We’re all striving to eat better, exercise more, go to bed earlier, be more diligent with flossing… the list of ambitious resolutions goes on and on. And while the majority of those will eventually taper off (sorry, dentists), here’s one that’s easy to keep: keeping your dog happy and healthy all year with Ollie.

Rita living her best, sun-soaked life

I switched my dog Rita to Ollie last year, and it was the best decision ever.

Rita is a two-year-old, six-pound Chihuahua mix and the cutest, sweetest lil girl you could meet. However, she had packed on a full pound as she transitioned out of puppy-hood (which is a lot for such a small dog!) and was starting to slow down a bit. She was getting increasingly lethargic, less enthusiastic about her walks, and her coat had lost some of its shine. 

Research into how to get my best girl back to feeling her best led me to Ollie. Their human-grade fresh and baked foods promised to deliver more actual, good-for-you nutrition than her regular kibble and I knew the variety of options would make my picky eater happy. 

I’m happy to say that after a few months eating Ollie, my pudge-muffin had turned back into a stud-muffin, and she’s not showing any signs of slowing down soon.

Source: Ollie

A Big Change For Lil Rita

Prior to Ollie, Rita’s relationship with food was a classic case of a well-intentioned diet gone wrong. Her kibble, though advertised as “premium” and all the other buzz-words, was anything but. The high grain content and low-quality meat were contributing to a gradual slow-down and weight gain. 

And then of course, there were the treats. I like to think that we’ve all been there with the treats; a reward for good behavior turns into a reward for being a good girl in general. And when she’s always a good girl… Long story short, Rita was snacking hard and the gains were noticeable.

Thankfully, Ollie got her down to a healthy weight and back to her tail-wagging self.

Why I Chose Ollie

There are SO many dog food brands out there, but Ollie immediately impressed me.

I liked that they make personalized meals tailored to your dog’s unique dietary requirements. Plus, all their recipes are approved by veterinarians. PLUS, they use only high-quality, human-grade ingredients, with zero preservatives – a serious upgrade from the kibble I was feeding Rita.

Getting started was easy. I just filled out a detailed questionnaire about Rita’s age, breed, weight, and health goals. Then, the Ollie team used the info to customize a meal plan for her with all the nutrients she needed (and nothing extra!). About a week later, I received the first shipment! Bada bing, bada boom.

All in all, starting on Ollie was a breeze. Their team was there to answer any questions I had and I felt confident knowing that they were creating a meal plan just for Rita's specific needs.

Healthiest Pup Ever

In just three months of switching to Ollie, the differences in Rita were evident. If you’re feeling impatient and want to get started on the healthiest meal plan for your pup, click here! Otherwise, read on for Rita’s journey on Ollie:

Month 1

Rita’s always been a super picky eater. At least, I thought she was! When it came to kibble there was only one brand that she’d chow down on consistently. But as soon as she caught her first whiff of Ollie, she went to town. I had initially ordered Beef, Chicken, and Pork fresh food out of concern that she’d only go for one, but all three disappeared the minute they hit her bowl.

Month 2

By the end of the second month, Rita’s energy levels had visibly improved. She was more eager for her walks and started initiating playtime. I was catching her lazing about less and getting back to her usual habits of inspecting every new sight and sound. It was honestly like watching a cloud evaporate from her mood.

Month 3 & Beyond

After three months with Ollie, Rita was like a new pup. She was more active, her eyes brighter, and she seemed genuinely happier. Her weight was now in a healthy range, and her coat was the envy of our local dog park (I might just be projecting on that one, but she looks great!). 

I can’t tell you how happy I am to have made the switch to Ollie. I feel like it’s bought me more time with my favorite gal.

More Than a Resolution

I’ve tried (and failed) a lot of different New Year’s resolutions. But this one will always be the one I’m happiest to have started. Not only was it easy, but I get to see the living, breathing, slobbering results every single day.

Ollie has honestly been a game changer in how I look at Rita’s nutrition; it’s been more than just a dietary change, it’s been a lifestyle transformation. If you’re looking for an easy win in 2024, I can’t think of a better one than starting your dog on the track to being their happiest, healthiest self. Try Ollie today and get 60% off your first order + a free bag of their jerky treats!

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