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Taking "Viagra" saved my relationship. Plot twist: I'm a woman

August 15, 2024
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I’ve been with my partner for ten years. And for the first year or two, we absolutely could not keep our hands off each other. Sex almost every day, constant flirtation, that feeling of “will we, won’t we” interwoven through every interaction. 

But little by little, I just stopped feeling it. Not that I stopped feeling “him”, exactly, but one day I looked up and realized we hadn’t had sex in a month. At some point, the same sensations that used to titillate me had become routine.

I had no idea what changed, but I did know that the dead bedroom lifestyle wasn’t cutting it for either of us. I was feeling more and more guilty about turning down sex. He was feeling increasingly hesitant to initiate. The whole situation was just way too tense

Until I found something to help me remember what I was missing. Viagra and Cialis may be for men, but it turns out, the same active ingredients used in men’s ED meds can be prescribed for women. Who knew??  

After a tonnnn of Googling, I decided to try Hello Cake’s Libido Lift Rx, a dissolvable, mint-flavored tablet that combines Tadalafil (the active ingredient in Cialis) with mood-boosting ingredients like Oxytocin and L-Citrulline. 

It was just the boost I needed to get out of the rut I was in, and I seriously cannot recommend these enough. 

But Sex Is Boring

Girl, I feel you. A lack of sensitivity in the general genital region can make sex feel like a chore. And when it comes to my body, if I’m not feeling it mentally, it’s not happening physically. So, when my sex drive started to decline, it started getting harder for me to have an orgasm, which made sex less fun, which messed with my sex drive, which…

But I digress. There are 4 stages our bodies go through during a sexual encounter, and Libido Lift Rx works to support the first three:

  • Desire: wanting to have sex
  • Arousal: your body feeling ready to have sex (wetness, increased sensitivity)
  • Orgasm: you know this one 
  • Resolution: your body getting back to normal 

Personally, I had issues with desire, arousal, AND orgasm. Pretty bad combo if you ask me, but it makes sense when you think about it…I didn’t want to have sex, so I didn’t feel great having sex, which meant I couldn’t finish. 

Libido Lift Rx piqued my interest with three active ingredients that address all of my issues: 

  • Oxytocin: aka the cuddle drug, Oxytocin is a naturally produced hormone that enhances feelings of intimacy and connection. It also counteracts cortisol, a stress hormone known to reduce sex drive.
  • L-Citrulline: promotes blood flow for vaginal and clitoral sensitivity as well as a greater chance at getting wet
  • Tadalafil: boosts blood flow for sensation, lubes you up (which for me, made sex feel way better AND led to better orgasms)

Now I’m sure you’re wondering the same thing I was…what would it actually feel like?

It’s A Little Like…

Yeah. So pretty much, you take a single quick-dissolving tablet, and then within 30 minutes, you’re feeling… something. It’s not an overwhelming sense of horniness, and you won’t be frothing at the mouth to jump your partner’s bones. But I did feel drawn to mine in a way that I hadn’t for a long time. It was like we fell back in sync after being on different wavelengths for such a long time.

You do need to be deliberate about it. Don’t expect it to just… happen. We sat down and planned this out – it actually made it onto my calendar – so that we could really see if the meds made a difference. And as for my actual experience? We didn’t leave the bedroom for two hours when I took my first dose. 

We were both so starved for touch (me without even knowing it) that we spent most of it just being present with each other. So when we did finally make it to having sex, it felt just like it used to: thrilling. I felt in the moment rather than distracted. I was able to really enjoy the sensations, I even orgasmed for the first time in what felt like forever! And with the lubrication boost from the meds, I was comfortable the entire time. 

If you’re dealing with any of the same stuff as me and want to change your sex life for the better, it’s super easy to get a prescription — just click here and answer a few questions

Is It Really That Easy?

I think it took me less than 15 minutes to make it through the questionnaire, and you don’t have to go to a doctor’s office and tell a stranger about how hard it is to have sex. Which is embarrassing! And yes, taking Libido Lift works right away and absolutely does the job, or at least it did for me. 

My sexual issues had my partner and me feeling all kinds of frustrated. On the one hand, I knew that I liked sex and that it was important for our relationship. But on the other hand, I didn’t feel like having sex and it didn’t feel good when I did.

Taking Libido Lift Rx felt like it helped me reconnect those pieces. It was the extra nudge I needed to feel like I wanted to have sex again, and it helped me actually enjoy it when I was ready. Most importantly, it kept me from losing a healthy relationship with probably the most fun activity in the world — sex. Because honestly, what is life without good sex? 

Seriously, if you’re feeling like you want to reinvigorate your sex life, THERE ARE OPTIONS. Just answer a few questions and get back to screwing like you’re in your early 20s. Believe me, it’s worth it. 

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