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The Most High-Tech Facial In Los Angeles Is At Formula Fig

July 24, 2024
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I’m obsessed with getting facials. The personalized attention, the cutting-edge treatments, the glowing results… I’ve made it my business to try every major Los Angeles facial studio, in an ongoing quest for the very best. So when relative newcomer Formula Fig graced my Instagram feed, I immediately booked an appointment and set out to determine if this skincare spot would become my new #1.

Spoiler: Formula Fig surpassed my expectation, my skin has been reborn, and I’m all-in on the “All-In Facial.” Read my full review below.

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  • Uses innovative IonixLight technology for real, lasting results
  • Gorgeous studios – the lush green hues are both calming and invigorating
  • Knowledgeable estheticians
  • “Secret menu” offerings make you feel like you’re in a private club 
  • Passionate founder and company culture
  • 30-minute facial fits into busy schedules
  • Targeted treatments for individual concerns
  • Offers injectables, both fillers and “stingers” (wrinkle prevention)
  • Injectables provided by a medical doctor
  • Accepting appointments from 8am to 8pm, so you can come before or after work


  • Only 5 locations – 3 in Vancouver and 2 in Los Angeles
  • A little pricey – my 30-minute “All-In” facial was $185; it’s $165 for members. However, their core facials are more affordable, starting at $75.
  • If you want a longer facial or upgrades, you have to know to ask
  • Extractions not offered (I was fine with that; I don’t love extractions)
Credit: @formulafig on Instagram

Beyond Good Vibes

I arrived at the West Hollywood location early, a bit giddy with that “first day of school” energy I get when trying a new facial. I was especially intrigued by Formula Fig’s emphasis on tech; all of their facial treatments are labeled “science-forward” and use the latest, most innovative machines available.

Upon entering the studio, I felt like I was stepping into a rainforest sanctuary. The deep green hues, soft lighting, and abundance of “skinny mirrors” on the walls created a welcoming and – it must be said – extremely selfie-friendly space. 

The friendly woman at the front desk offered me a choice of plain water or water with “detox drops,” aka chlorophyll. I opted for the latter and happily sipped on my refreshing, green-colored beverage. A very on-brand moment, and intentionally so; Formula Fig’s owner, JJ Walsh, has curated a beautifully cohesive aesthetic – including the bathroom, which is green on the outside and pink on the inside… you know, like a fig. Obviously, I snapped a lot of photos and I’ll admit, I uploaded a couple to my stories.

But a facial studio’s look can only carry it so far, if the treatments are lacking. I was ready to see if my All-In Facial was worth the anticipation…  

The Inner Sanctum: My Facial Experience

Like most other facial studios and spas I’ve visited, Formula Fig has private treatment rooms – theirs are called “pods.” I nestled into mine, and my esthetician Lauren asked me if I wanted a blanket…  to which the only logical answer is, “Yes, I want to be as cozy as possible!” The blanket turned out to be more of a full-on comforter, which enhanced the cocoon-like, *hygge* vibes.

Since I selected the “All-In” option, I would be getting treatments that promised to exfoliate, lift, sculpt, and hydrate – the best of both worlds from their two core facials, the “Lift + Tone” and the “Hydrate + Glow.” 

Here’s the breakdown of what happened during my 30-minute facial

  1. Cleansing. Lauren first took the time to thoroughly cleanse my face, which was so relaxing and set the tone for an almost meditative experience. 
  2. Diamond-Tip Microdermabrasion. Lauren described the feeling of this as being like “a cat’s tongue,” which was strangely accurate! I’d been looking forward to seeing the difference in the clogged skin around my nose. Even though Formula Fig doesn’t do extractions, the microdermabrasion functions similarly, and my skin felt freshly scrubbed and unclogged afterward.
  3. Microcurrent. Lauren warned me that microcurrent can be too intense for some people, as it actively moves the muscles under the skin and can even hurt a little – but this was my favorite treatment! I could feel my face being sculpted, which I loved.
  4. Ultrasound. This treatment helps tighten and tone, and I found it incredibly soothing – the soft blue light added to that effect.
  5. LED Therapy + Lymphatic Massage. We rounded out the service with a wash of red light therapy combined with lymphatic massage and a gentle mist. When I asked Lauren if the massage was typical of their facials, she told me that not every esthetician includes it, but she believes in the power of lymphatic drainage. (That makes two of us!) There was no eye protection provided, which I clocked only because I’ve received goggles or eye masks from other studios by default. However, Lauren explained that this was completely safe, and my eyes were a-okay. 

The 30 minutes flew by! I’m not sure if this is a criticism or a compliment, but I was left wanting more. I made a mental note to book another appointment post-haste. 

My Fine Lines Melted Away

When I tell you I was glazed like a donut after my facial, I mean it. As a 30+ woman who wears sunscreen rarely and laughs often, I have some burgeoning fine lines around my mouth and eyes. But after the treatment, I carefully inspected those areas and genuinely could not find the lines! I couldn’t stop staring at my reflection in the mirror. I felt radiant. I felt relaxed. I felt lifted and toned and sculpted and snatched. 

I loved my facial – and the entire Formula Fig experience. The science-backed approach really resonated with me, and I was impressed with their tech. Special shoutout to Lauren, an absolute rockstar. 

Credit: @formulafig on Instagram

The Juice: FF Secrets 

Remember how I mentioned the 30-minute facial felt a bit short? Well, just like Cali favorite In-N-Out, Formula Fig’s got a secret menu. If you request the Double-Double when you book, you can get upgraded to a full 60 minutes! 

Other off-menu offerings: 

  • Cryoglobes. When I told Lauren I was feeling a little puffy, she whipped out two ice-cold metal paddles and gave me an incredible lymphatic massage – at no extra charge.  
  • Unofficial “extractions.” It’s true, FF doesn’t officially perform extractions. However, when I pointed out a breakout on my cheek, Lauren unveiled an ultrasonic device called a “skin slider” to gently clear out dirt and debris and exfoliate the skin. She even applied some extra product – the dreamy Sofie Pavitt Face Mandelic Clearing Serum – to help reduce redness.

These little bonuses – not advertised on the website – make Formula Fig feel like a private, members-only club or a hidden speakeasy that just happens to provide luxe skin treatments. 

Will I Go Back? And Do I Recommend?

From the calming interior to the innovative, science-backed treatments to the secret menu to my radiant results… it’s safe to say that Formula Fig is my new favorite facial spot in LA. The proximity of this studio to my house is both a blessing and a curse – I can easily see myself committing to a monthly membership and giving these kind souls all of my money. 

I’d recommend FF to anybody in LA or Vancouver who wants to break out of their normal facial routine and try the latest in skin-tech – and get a few stunning Instagram photos in the process.

Do your skin a favor and book at Formula Fig!

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